I regret that this caused confusion about who was or was not eligible for the Windows 10 upgrade offer, but hope that this helps to clarify." "It is our hope that the vast majority of Windows Insiders who have been with us since we announced the program last year will continue forward, and it was in that light that we authored the blog post about upcoming changes to the program. If you do not roll back or acquire a new license the build will eventually expire." If your system upgraded from a Genuine Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 license it will remain activated, but if not, you will be required to roll back to your previous OS version or acquire a new Windows 10 license. This is not a path to attain a license for Windows XP or Windows Vista systems. "I want to opt out of the Windows Insider Program on 7/29." If you decide to opt-out of the program and upgrade to the 7/29 build you will be subject to exactly the same terms and conditions that govern the offer* that was extended to all Genuine Windows 7 and 8.1 customers. As part of the program we'll upgrade Insiders to what is for all intents and purposes the same build as what other customers will get on 7/29, but that will be just another build for Insiders, and those who stay in the program will simply get the next build after as well." We provide ISOs for these builds for recovery from any significant problems, but they are still pre-release software. Since we're continuing the Windows Insider Program you'll be able to continue receiving builds and those builds will continue to be activated under the terms of the Windows Insider Program. Each individual build will expire after a time, but you'll continue to receive new builds so by the time an older prerelease build expires you'll have received a new one.

This is prerelease software and is activated with a prerelease key. You're already opted in and receiving builds in the Fast or Slow ring depending upon your selection. "I want to continue as a Windows Insider!" If you want to continue as a Windows Insider past 7/29 there is nothing you need to do. Or do you want to upgrade your Genuine Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 system that has been getting Windows 10 Insider Preview builds to the 7/29 release and stop being an Insider?.Do you want to continue as a Windows Insider and keep getting preview builds after 7/29?.I sincerely apologize for that and will try to separate them more clearly below in order to provide more clarity." "Friday's post was intended to clarify how the Windows Insider Program will proceed, and in attempting to do so created some unintended confusion.